Welcome to Voice4Parents Website Wolverhampton's Parent Carer Forum
Voice4Parents represents the views and voices of Parents and Carers of Children and Young People in Wolverhampton with SEND.
Please be aware we do not advocate for individual families.
As a Parent Carer Forum, our core steering group membership is made up of parents and carers whose children and young people (0-25 years) have a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
About Us
We aim to ensure the views of parents and carers are considered and valued to improve and shape future service provision for children, young people and their families across education, health and social care services within the local area.
We do this by;
gathering parents and carers views in a variety of ways
highlighting common issues
working in co-production (as equal partners) with key SEND leads and head of services
finding out about service developments and national policy and how they affect families
responding to consultations
Voice4Parents is part of the regional and National Network of Parent Carer Forums.
All parents and carers commitment to Voice4Parents is on a voluntary basis.
What do we do?
Voice4Parents is a Parent Carer Forum, our core steering group membership is made up of parents and carers whose children have a wide range of additional needs. All parents and carers commit to Voice4Parents on a voluntary basis. Our aim is to improve and shape future services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by working in coproduction with service providers across education, health and social care.
We do this by representing the views of the wider group of parents and carers. We are part of the regional and National Network of Parent Carer.
We do this by:
• Attending monthly steering group meetings
• Attending strategic meetings in relation to special educational needs and disability
• Attending regional Parent and Carer Forum network meetings
• Consulting with the wider group of parents in a variety of ways
• Responding to consultations on service development and local and national policies
• Co-producing new working policies and practices
• Sign posting parents and carers to service that are available​
What is our key purpose?
We aim to ensure the views of parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 are considered and valued to improve and shape future service provision across education, health and social care services within Wolverhampton.
We do this by;
gathering parents and carers views in a variety of ways
highlighting common issues
working in co-production (as equal partners) with key SEND leads and head of services
finding out about service developments and national policy and how they affect families
responding to consultations
What are our outcomes for families?
That parents and carers have their voices heard
That parents and carers views are represented at a regional and national level
That parents and carers are well informed about the services available in the local area and how local and national issues may impact upon them
That parents and carers have the opportunity to participate in the strategic planning of services
That decisions are made in co-production with parents and carers
Improved quality of service provision that meets the needs of children, young people and their families
That parent participation remains high on the agenda in Wolverhampton
We do this via :
Monthly Steering Group meetings
our Voice4Parents website
our Face book page
regular emails to our wider group members
On line surveys
Feedback submitted on Wolverhampton’s Local Offer for SEND
Parent information events and workshops
Attending community events
Other consultation events or focus group meetings
What skills and training do staff have in relation to SEN and disability?
Parents and carers are often referred to as the ‘experts’ around their own child’s additional needs and therefore bring a wealth of expertise and experience that influence and steer the work of the forum and their strategic role in engaging with professionals. Steering group members have been fully engaged in all aspects of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Reforms and with the implementation of new working practices in Wolverhampton.
Who is my first point of contact if I have questions or need further information?
Please email Voice4Parents at admin@voice4parents.co.uk and the Chair or administrator will get in touch with you. You can also speak to a member of the Voice4Parents Steering group directly at events, coffee mornings and consultations or click their photo in the 'meet the team' tab to contact them via email directly.
How do i give a compliment or make a complaint about your service?
By e-mail admin@voice4parents.co.uk